Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Reading A Young Child s Life Helps Their Language...
Future Research Outline Constant book reading during a young child s life helps their language development to grow. Also, it consists of many benefits. Researchers believe that parents should read either during the day or right before bedtime with their child before the child can even understand what is being read to them. Shared reading should begin at around eight months, but not as early as four months, which is on average, when the infants begin to sit up on their own (Karrass Braungart-Rieker, 2005). Previous research has shown that early shared reading can predict higher language scores at 12 and 16 months of age (Karrass Braungart-Rieker, 2005). Starting to read early around 8 to 9 months can help infants to develop their language abilities and specific vocabulary later on in life. Whitehurst, Falco, Lonigan, Fischel, DeBaryshe, Valdez-Menchaca and Caulfield (1988) expressed that parental reading style is most effective during shared reading. By training parents, teachers and librarians in a specific â€Å"dialogue reading†, it showed that the children in the trained adult group did better on language measures than those children who were read to by untrained adults for an equal amount of reading time. Children who are actively engaged during the shared book reading tend to relate what they are reading to their own experiences and by doing this they are continuously improving their language without actually intending to. For example, in the study by Blake, Macdonald,Show MoreRelatedField Research Paper Education During Infancy1531 Words  | 7 PagesVirginia Baccellia Psych/600 March 3, 2014 University of Phoenix Field Research Paper Education during Infancy The most important stages in an individual’s life begins at the early development stage through infancy. During this stage, cognitive and emotional development body, along with physical growth during this process. 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Rankin and Brock cite that ‘Start with the Child’ (CILIP, 2002) recognised that reading is a central part of the child’s development. Reading inspires their imagination, this enables them to grow emotionally, and develop their understanding of the world and where they stand in the local and global community. Libraries can be influential in the early stages of a child’s life because they bring books and children together, they provide a space where childrenRead MoreLiteracy Influences Child Development, Social Interaction And Development Of The Brain978 Words  | 4 PagesLiteracy influences child development, social interaction and the ability to overcome obstacles a positive aspect. If you are reading this, at some point in time someone, somewhere taught you to read. 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According to the NationalRead MoreEarly Childhood : Childhood Development1494 Words  | 6 Pageschildhood development Early childhood is the the time period when a child opens his eyes in the world and it continues upto the age of 8 years old (Masten et al. â€Å"NAME OF ARTICLE†)This is really the time in which the brain of the child starts growing and basis for the subsequences of development. Early childhood period starts at home the very first stages of life. Parents have a great role in childhood development. Then the second factor or place which has great effects on childhood development is theRead MoreChildren Is A Waste Of Time For A Literacy Program1623 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Some educators believe that reading aloud to children is a waste of time in a literacy program. Read-alouds are a step on the road of literacy that cannot be neglected, no matter how old or young; no matter what language he or she speaks; no matter how gifted or disadvantaged a child might be (Fox, 2013, p. 4). According to Fox (2013), â€Å"When a great story is read aloud, listeners discover that vocabulary is easier to understand. The flow and grammar of language becomes more familiar†(p. 4). ThisRead MoreReading Aloud : Children s Brain Development1469 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Reading Aloud to Children†What if I told you that by reading aloud to your child, you could enhance their listening skills, emotional state, and vocabulary knowledge? At a young age, a child’s brain is like a sponge, with ability to absorb almost anything you teach them. In her book Reading Magic, Mem Fox says, â€Å"Recent brain research has revealed that the early years of life are more critical to a child’s brain development than we ever realized. Children’s brains are only 25 percent developedRead MoreUnderstanding Early Childhood Educational Programs926 Words  | 4 PagesEducational Programs: Young Children Education and development plays an important role in young children’s lives and children that participate in an early educational program set the foundation to achieve more success for post-secondary education; therefore by enforcing an early learning foundation will better enrich children’s lives. Understanding: Montessori Methodology In the Montessori methodology, all curriculum areas arranged into five areas: practical life, sensorial, language, math, and culturalRead MoreEarly Literacy Difficulties Among Hispanic Students With Low Social Economic Status1215 Words  | 5 Pagesto or read with their child. Relevant Theorist The first theory with an impact on this developmental literacy challenge is B.F. Skinner’s first theory of language learning. The first theory of language learning suggest that parents could be the best reading teachers of their children as they indirectly teach early reading strategies or techniques through the process of operant-conditioning such as; repeating specific sounds that will show an immediate reward to the child. For illiterate parents
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson and A Good Man Is Hard To...
In Shirley Jackson’s short story the Lottery and Flannery O’Conner’s â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†, there are a few aspects of a similar nature that attempt to tackle the nature essence of the human condition. Both short stories respectively portray two similar types of foreshadowing where one is random the other is premeditated, which leads these stories to their very surprising dramatic climax that is held until the end of each story. I believe that these important variables of both stories have a strong influence on the reader’s objectification regarding the way each story presents the idea of the human condition. Flannery O’Conner’s â€Å"A Good Man is Hard To Find†portrays a very random type of foreshadowing. The radom foreshadowing in†¦show more content†¦These are elements of random foreshadowing that helped the reader understand why the grandmother believed so strongly that a good man is hard to find. This would be a prelude to the horrific events that would later unfold when the grandmother encounters the misfit who by all intense purposes was not believed to be a good man. In addition, Shirley Jackson’s Lottery presented us with some a similar form of foreshadowing that is not random but premeditated. Jackson explained the boys eager preparativeness to collect the stones for the horrific stoning of Tessie Hutchinson â€Å"Bobby Martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones, and the other boys soon followed his example, selecting the smoothest and roundest stones; Bobby and Harry Jones and Dickie Delacroxie..eventually made a great pile of stones in one corner of the square and guarded it against the raids of the other boys. (Jackson 235). Jackson used this premeditated foreshadowing technique in her story which like O’Conner helped to slowly build up the tension and suspense that was needed to prepare their readers for what would be a very shocking climatic ending to both their stories. But Jackson also used certain symbols in the premeditated foreshadowing of this story to help illustrate the flow and movement of the story to th e reader. For instance, the shabby splintered black box which was no longer black in color, This was due to the years of careless handling by Mr. Summers andShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis of Shirley Jacksons The Lottery and Flannery OConnors A Good Man Is Hard to Find1360 Words  | 5 PagesShirley Jackson The Lottery Shirley Jacksons short story The Lottery depicts life in a provincial American town with rigid social norms. Mr. Summers symbolizes everything that is wrong with the town; he represents blind adherence to ritual, social rigidity, and resistance to change. His name corresponds with the seasonal setting of The Lottery, too, drawing attention to the importance of his character in shaping the theme of the story. Summers is in charge of the central motif of the storyRead MoreSimilarities Between The Lottery And A Good Man Is Hard To Find1376 Words  | 6 PagesTessie Hutchinson from Shirley Jacksons â€Å"The Lottery†and the grandmother from A Good Man Is Hard to Find†by Flannery OConnor, treat their family members both similarly and differently and how they are treated in return. Throughout â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find,†the family members ignore each other, argue, and act selfish towards one another, but in the end, O’Connor presents the theme of fami lial love. In â€Å"The Lottery†however, family relationships are important for the lottery to work, but then theyRead More Inhumanity in Flannery O’Connor’s A Good Man is Hard to Find and Shirley Jacksons The Lottery1133 Words  | 5 Pages In Flannery O’Connor’s, â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find,†and Shirley Jacksons, â€Å"The Lottery,†both short stories deal with man’s inhumanity in different situations, and ending with a similar consequence. Jackson and OConnor both use two characters to depict man having the power to manipulate truth and objection into something people accept. In O’Connor’s’ A Good Man is Hard to Find, the Misfit is a character in need of desired assistance, troubled and confused he wanders savagely murdering strangers
Monday, December 9, 2019
Catholic Social Thought and its Principles †
Question: Discuss about the Catholic Social Thought and its Principles. Answer: Introduction Catholic social thought explain some of the principles that show just societys vision in general and offer some approach to attain just society. These principles help in providing direction and conclusion for policies and strategies being followed. This article will explain nine principles of Catholic social thought such as Dignity of the human person, Common good and community, Preferential option for the poor, Subsidiarity, Universal purpose of goods, Stewardship of creation, Promotion of peace, Participation and Global solidarity. Besides this, article will also explain the concepts of self and community. Principles of Catholic Social Thoughts (CST) Principle of Dignity of the human person Human dignity means a person or group of people intellect of self-worth and self-respect, physical and mental reliability and empowerment. Foundation of teaching of catholic social is belief in dignity of person. The dignity of human is the initial stage of an ethical vision for society as life of human is blessed. Person is the copy of Gods image it is the main idea of this principle. God is in every person and person is appearance of God. It shows that every human should respect the dignity of other humans (Devitt, 2017). Principle of Common Good and Community The human person is equal holy and social. Through associating with other humans we understand our self-respect and rights in the community. In community human achieve and grow a lot by living and interacting with others and they can only understand their dignity when they will make relations in the society. Human dignity and capacity will be affected by organization of society such as in law and policy, in economics and politics. Loving the neighbor is a single aspect for this it needs a commitment towards society. All human should contribute towards the benefit of the society (Catholic Charities Office for Social Justice. 2017). Principle of Preferential option for the poor Human should treat poor people kindly as it is the test of a society. Poor claims on the morality of the nation. Public policies decisions should be identified properly to know its effect on poor. Option for the poor is not oppositional slogan that create difference between different classes or groups infect it explains the deficiency and helplessness of the poor injuries in the community. To attain mutual goal in the society one of the important point is option for the poor. Special attention should be given to poor to attain a strong community (Center for social concerns. 2015). Principle of Subsidiarity To shape common goal, to defend human rights and to encourage human dignity this instrument is used. To achieve goals by government it is important for all the people to contribute in the political associations. Subsidiary principle states that government functions must be completed at the bottom level potential as extended as they can be completed sufficiently. Higher level of government should involve at that point when lower level of government cannot fulfil the needsin the question (Stabile, S. J. 2006). Principle of Universal purpose of Goods All the workforces consume a right to useful work to decent and reasonable wages and to harmless functioning situations. They possess the right that they can form and join any of the unions but in the limits of the rights. No person is allowed to hold too much wealth when others are begging for fulfilling the basic needs. Catholic teaching is against the approaches of communist and statist economic. It also discards the idea that open market mechanically produces justice. Open and competitive market are very useful instruments of the economic system but we cannot rely entirely on this. Here comes the work of the state to see whether the needs are being met or not (Paul, P. J. 2017). Principle of Stewardship of creation Goods are provided by God for the benefit of the society and they are also known as the gifts from God. Social mortgage are present that guides us to the uses of the goods and it also states our responsibilities towards protecting these goods as guardians and wardens, not as an operator and customers. Our respects towards the creator is shown by the way we treat environment. Principle of Promotion of Peace Peace is said as a positive concept by Catholic teaching. There is not only the absence of war but it also includes assurance and respect between peoples of same nation as well as for other nations. Binding and alliance contracts are involve in this. Justice and peace share close bond in Catholic teaching. Peace is called as the sweet fruit of justice but it is depend on the behavior of the human beings (Catholic moral theology. 2013). Principle of Participation It is a right of all the people of the society to participate in the cultural life, political and economic. Minimum contribution is important of the community as it the essential request of justice and human dignitys necessity (Catholic social teaching. 2017). Principle of Global solidarity Nation is like a family. There are responsibilities of human towards racial, ideological differences, cross national and economic. For justice it is our responsibility to work together. Rights of people, nation, personal, economic, political and social rights should provide respect and should be promoted. Development should be balanced it should not be like one side is extremists of underdevelopment and other is super development. Collecting physical goods and mechanical resources will be unacceptable if it will lack in providing respect to cultural, spiritual and moral dimensions of human (Catholic social teaching. 2017). Interrelationship between Self and Community Interrelationship between the self and community is supported by the principles of Catholic Social Thought. It is very common all over the world. Social animal Exact information is not available about the origin of the society but it known that man is the part of this society. Man is a social animal by nature is was said by Aristotle (Scientific research. 2014). He explained this by saying that human do not live without the society and if he lives them he is considered as God or beast. For welfare and existence he lives in the society. At all the stages of his life he need society for survival. Physically and mentally he is supposed to live in society. Community Community means relations common existences, men, stated their nature by making and re-creating an organization that directs and controls their actions in many ways. Activities of human are controlled by society and it is important for the success of life. Society is type of a system which formulate authoritys procedure and control the behavior of human (American Catholic University. 2017). Self and Community- Interrelation Human and society both cannot survive without each other. But there is possibility of conflicts between human and society. Person can imagine about functions of social system that they are better at the time of having considerable control over every single members, but it is a mixed approval for the followers of the system. It is a complex relation between self and community as well as interesting (Scientific research. 2014). Conclusion In the conclusion it can be said that Self and Community are interrelated as both cannot life without each other. Human follow the guidelines provided by the societies system and society form guidelines for human. In relation with Self and Community different Catholic social thoughts principles are also stated above such as: Dignity of the human person, Common good and community, Preferential option for the poor, Subsidiarity, Universal purpose of goods, Stewardship of creation, Promotion of peace, Participation and Global solidarity. References American Catholic University. (2017). Self and Community: Exploring the anatomy of modern society. Retrieved from: Catholic Charities Office for Social Justice. (2017). Key principles of Catholic Social Teaching. Retrieved from: Catholic moral theology. (2013). The promotion of peace. Retrieved from: Catholic social teaching. (2017). Community and participation. Retrieved from: Catholic social teaching. (2017). Solidarity. Retrieved from: Center for social concerns. (2015). an introduction to the principles of Catholic Social Thought. Retrieved from: Devitt, F. P. (2017). Principles of Catholic Social Teaching. Retrieved from: Paul, P. J. (2017). The 10 Principles of Catholic Social Teaching. Retrieved from: Scientific research. (2014). Relation between Individual and Society. Open journal of social science, 2(9). Stabile, S. J. (2006). Basic principles of Catholic Social Thought. Retrieved from:
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Six Steps in Decision Making an Example of the Topic Psychology Essays by
The Six Steps in Decision Making by Expert Ellah PHD | 23 Dec 2016 The decision making process is an integral part of the daily living. Harrisons six steps in decision making process consist of, setting the objectives, searching for the alternatives by means of scanning the organizations internal and external environment for information, comparing and evaluating alternatives by formal and informal means, practicing the arts of choice or the time when an action line is being selected from a set of alternatives, implementing the decision after choices was being renovate from the notion into a real operation and ensuring that the implemented decision in an outcome set in the first stage through follow up and control in keeping with the objectives. Need essay sample on "The Six Steps in Decision Making" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed The first step is to set the objectives. Setting objectives is important for it encourages the chapter to follow good management practices, solidifies the leadership team, focused the company on a specific aims, establishes accountability, motivate staff to achieve their sets of objectives and provides a common direction for the members. All of the companies are encouraged to set their objectives and a clear statement of the kind of service they want of achieve. For example, company objectives for IT business Industry: Objective set to achieve a certain level of market share within a specified time, the companies target is to obtain 5% market share on the industry of IT by the year 2010. Another example, ITS supports professional development for staff, the specific objective will be ITS would offer project management and introduction to ITS classes having the goals of about 80% staff will be trained by June 2008. Before you begin to collect evidence of learning outcomes, you must be able to answer the following questions: Why are you seeking this evidence, what kind of information will you collect, who will collect it, when will it be collected, how to use the results to improve what you do? Next step is the search for the alternatives by means of scanning the organizations internal and external environment for information. Internal factors that influence the scanning activity recognized as being the inpidual nature of information consciousness. External factors where identified as the cause of change in the environment. Environmental scanning foe internal and external use for information is the use of information about trends, events and relationships in the organizations internal and external environment that would help the management in planning the organizations future course of action. Organization need to recognize that major changes for a variety of reasons may happen on the company, including fear of the unknown, inadequacy to deal with the change and whether the change will result in an adverse effect on their jobs. Alternative actions that are appropriate to the problem should be identified. The more time and effort should be devoted in searching and developing the alternatives to a more important problem to be solved. The knowledge that decision makers have is sometimes limited by their beliefs, attitudes, values, educations and incomplete information. For this reason, decision makers accept the first satisfactory alternative they uncover, rather than maximize or search until they find the best alternatives that would be beneficial for the future run. For example: the process technologies and the people used in handling and purchasing information, data collected point to an average of 50% staff involve handling the companies information from the little to the big ones. Another example is when the companies are tending to act under request companies going to its crisis, companies tending turning inwards to reorganize. Organizations by means of scanning internal and external environment for information will be able to build satisfactory, creative and innovative alternatives for the problems that the company is facing. Thirdly, compare and evaluate those alternatives by formal and informal means. A comprehensive alternatives evaluation process can help business and organizations find a safer substitute or alternatives to their existing service use up to a more innovative solution to alternate that satisfies them. Comparing those alternatives by means of an established mode or a formal means and informal may bring them to the extent of creating and having the best alternatives which best suit the service and program. This assessment also provides a tool to assist business as they work toward creating a better workplace. Alternative assessment also helps companies plan strategically and anticipate regulations to avoid future cost and problem while meeting their high expectations. At the time when the action is being selected from the given sets of alternatives the fourth step by then is practicing the arts of choice. Practicing your alternative choice is the next target for the efficiency and effectiveness of the business, for practice is one great way to get better. Practicing includes setting the priorities and goals such as how efficient you want your company be and how time you can put to make you be more focused. This phase includes creating a readiness for change in your client organization and developing approaches to overcome resistance to change. The vision should clearly depict how the achievement of the vision will improve the organization. For example, if a company wants to advertise their products, there are several options that they can choose from such as through the net or by television or newspaper. In the third step, it is important to important to evaluate these options regarding affectivity and as well the cost. In the fourth step, the company will act and bring the chosen action into reality. The company may also try to endorse their product through all the alternatives listed and then decide which one will benefit the company the most. These steps are important to inpidual as well. Take for example a teacher. In order to increase the learning of the students, the teacher will think of alternatives and different ways of teaching and other activities and initially predicts the outcome of each teaching method. This is done in step three. Next, the teacher will then used all of the listed method and assess the effects of each one to the students in order to come up with the conclusion of the best method that is supported by evidences. The fifth step in decision-making process is the implementation of the decision after choices was being renovated from the notion into a real operation. Until some decision are taken into action this decisions are valueless. In implementing the decision to the real operation it must first define steps in implanting the decision including its timeframe for completion and also, by defining the method for reporting when something is completed and who receives the report. There are five steps in order to implement decision; first step is making an action plan. When developing a plan to implement the decision they have to understand first, the reasons for that specific decision. The overall analysis of the task, which determine the actions need to be taken and the way in which the decision process shall be implemented. Secondly is to delegate actions, some decisions are simple and easy to handle, but others may seem so complex and that may need a number of task and a working team, delegat ing those team into an assigned task and responsibility makes the job a lot easier. Third, communicating a decision, after the decision has taken and planned it needs to be relayed directly and indirectly by the affected. When they communicate and clearly explain the decision made and action to be taken it will remove uncertainty and objections from the mind of concerned parties. Fourth, discussing the progress of the decision, many meeting may have no purpose but inform, meetings are specifically held to discuss progress in the implementation of the decision. Dont waste time. And last but not the least, overcoming objections, rather than feeling aggrieved, opposition should be viewed as a valuable part of decision-making, ignore objections that may only result into misunderstanding. Take for example an organization that wants to get its product on the web; this decision to widen their scope is done in the strategic level. Next, the idea is implemented in the web that is done in the tactical level. In the operational level, the web site is supported on a daily basis. Thus, each level has its own role in fulfilling the companys objective and different things are expected from different levels in order to support the IT infrastructure. The sixth and the final step in decision making process is ensuring that the implemented decision in an outcome set in the first stage through follow ups and control in keeping with the objectives. This is essential to test and ensure that the company meets its desired goal and functions. Example: the company has to build follow team and conduct some research to prove the effectiveness of the service and see it if meets their goals. Proposed a set of principles for follow up activities and must discussed it in a more detailed way the t all the members may have clear audit on it for the development of the policy guidelines. Follow ups included major subject matters such as issue, scale and timing, frequency and power, roles, functions and the principle. Its role must to control function for the purpose of evaluation. References Harrison, F.E. (1995). The managerial decision-making process.Boston:Houghton Miffincompany. Retrieved January 30, 2008 from Learn Marketing. (no date). Business objectives. . Retrieved January 30, 2008 from Shah, K & Shah, P. (2007). Implementing adecision. Retrieved January 30, 2008 from Wilkinson, S. (no date). Set objectives. Retrieved January 30, 2008 from
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