Monday, December 9, 2019
Catholic Social Thought and its Principles †
Question: Discuss about the Catholic Social Thought and its Principles. Answer: Introduction Catholic social thought explain some of the principles that show just societys vision in general and offer some approach to attain just society. These principles help in providing direction and conclusion for policies and strategies being followed. This article will explain nine principles of Catholic social thought such as Dignity of the human person, Common good and community, Preferential option for the poor, Subsidiarity, Universal purpose of goods, Stewardship of creation, Promotion of peace, Participation and Global solidarity. Besides this, article will also explain the concepts of self and community. Principles of Catholic Social Thoughts (CST) Principle of Dignity of the human person Human dignity means a person or group of people intellect of self-worth and self-respect, physical and mental reliability and empowerment. Foundation of teaching of catholic social is belief in dignity of person. The dignity of human is the initial stage of an ethical vision for society as life of human is blessed. Person is the copy of Gods image it is the main idea of this principle. God is in every person and person is appearance of God. It shows that every human should respect the dignity of other humans (Devitt, 2017). Principle of Common Good and Community The human person is equal holy and social. Through associating with other humans we understand our self-respect and rights in the community. In community human achieve and grow a lot by living and interacting with others and they can only understand their dignity when they will make relations in the society. Human dignity and capacity will be affected by organization of society such as in law and policy, in economics and politics. Loving the neighbor is a single aspect for this it needs a commitment towards society. All human should contribute towards the benefit of the society (Catholic Charities Office for Social Justice. 2017). Principle of Preferential option for the poor Human should treat poor people kindly as it is the test of a society. Poor claims on the morality of the nation. Public policies decisions should be identified properly to know its effect on poor. Option for the poor is not oppositional slogan that create difference between different classes or groups infect it explains the deficiency and helplessness of the poor injuries in the community. To attain mutual goal in the society one of the important point is option for the poor. Special attention should be given to poor to attain a strong community (Center for social concerns. 2015). Principle of Subsidiarity To shape common goal, to defend human rights and to encourage human dignity this instrument is used. To achieve goals by government it is important for all the people to contribute in the political associations. Subsidiary principle states that government functions must be completed at the bottom level potential as extended as they can be completed sufficiently. Higher level of government should involve at that point when lower level of government cannot fulfil the needsin the question (Stabile, S. J. 2006). Principle of Universal purpose of Goods All the workforces consume a right to useful work to decent and reasonable wages and to harmless functioning situations. They possess the right that they can form and join any of the unions but in the limits of the rights. No person is allowed to hold too much wealth when others are begging for fulfilling the basic needs. Catholic teaching is against the approaches of communist and statist economic. It also discards the idea that open market mechanically produces justice. Open and competitive market are very useful instruments of the economic system but we cannot rely entirely on this. Here comes the work of the state to see whether the needs are being met or not (Paul, P. J. 2017). Principle of Stewardship of creation Goods are provided by God for the benefit of the society and they are also known as the gifts from God. Social mortgage are present that guides us to the uses of the goods and it also states our responsibilities towards protecting these goods as guardians and wardens, not as an operator and customers. Our respects towards the creator is shown by the way we treat environment. Principle of Promotion of Peace Peace is said as a positive concept by Catholic teaching. There is not only the absence of war but it also includes assurance and respect between peoples of same nation as well as for other nations. Binding and alliance contracts are involve in this. Justice and peace share close bond in Catholic teaching. Peace is called as the sweet fruit of justice but it is depend on the behavior of the human beings (Catholic moral theology. 2013). Principle of Participation It is a right of all the people of the society to participate in the cultural life, political and economic. Minimum contribution is important of the community as it the essential request of justice and human dignitys necessity (Catholic social teaching. 2017). Principle of Global solidarity Nation is like a family. There are responsibilities of human towards racial, ideological differences, cross national and economic. For justice it is our responsibility to work together. Rights of people, nation, personal, economic, political and social rights should provide respect and should be promoted. Development should be balanced it should not be like one side is extremists of underdevelopment and other is super development. Collecting physical goods and mechanical resources will be unacceptable if it will lack in providing respect to cultural, spiritual and moral dimensions of human (Catholic social teaching. 2017). Interrelationship between Self and Community Interrelationship between the self and community is supported by the principles of Catholic Social Thought. It is very common all over the world. Social animal Exact information is not available about the origin of the society but it known that man is the part of this society. Man is a social animal by nature is was said by Aristotle (Scientific research. 2014). He explained this by saying that human do not live without the society and if he lives them he is considered as God or beast. For welfare and existence he lives in the society. At all the stages of his life he need society for survival. Physically and mentally he is supposed to live in society. Community Community means relations common existences, men, stated their nature by making and re-creating an organization that directs and controls their actions in many ways. Activities of human are controlled by society and it is important for the success of life. Society is type of a system which formulate authoritys procedure and control the behavior of human (American Catholic University. 2017). Self and Community- Interrelation Human and society both cannot survive without each other. But there is possibility of conflicts between human and society. Person can imagine about functions of social system that they are better at the time of having considerable control over every single members, but it is a mixed approval for the followers of the system. It is a complex relation between self and community as well as interesting (Scientific research. 2014). Conclusion In the conclusion it can be said that Self and Community are interrelated as both cannot life without each other. Human follow the guidelines provided by the societies system and society form guidelines for human. In relation with Self and Community different Catholic social thoughts principles are also stated above such as: Dignity of the human person, Common good and community, Preferential option for the poor, Subsidiarity, Universal purpose of goods, Stewardship of creation, Promotion of peace, Participation and Global solidarity. References American Catholic University. (2017). Self and Community: Exploring the anatomy of modern society. Retrieved from: Catholic Charities Office for Social Justice. (2017). Key principles of Catholic Social Teaching. Retrieved from: Catholic moral theology. (2013). The promotion of peace. Retrieved from: Catholic social teaching. (2017). Community and participation. Retrieved from: Catholic social teaching. (2017). Solidarity. Retrieved from: Center for social concerns. (2015). an introduction to the principles of Catholic Social Thought. Retrieved from: Devitt, F. P. (2017). Principles of Catholic Social Teaching. Retrieved from: Paul, P. J. (2017). The 10 Principles of Catholic Social Teaching. Retrieved from: Scientific research. (2014). Relation between Individual and Society. Open journal of social science, 2(9). Stabile, S. J. (2006). Basic principles of Catholic Social Thought. Retrieved from:
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