Monday, January 27, 2020
Martin Luther King: Montgomery Bus Boycott
Martin Luther King: Montgomery Bus Boycott In my opinion Martin Luther King was the most significant result of the Montgomery bus boycott. King played a key role in the organisation and leadership of the boycott which ultimately lead to its success. He was the focal point of the boycott; however, there were other factors that contributed to the success of this movement. For example, the successful effort of the 50 000 black population in Montgomery which demonstrated black unity and a new attitude to protest. The strength of the boycott developed from the unity of the black population to boycott the busses. It demonstrated the power and effectiveness of the black community when they worked as one. Martin Luther king actively encouraged the black unity by acting as a role model and an inspiration to many stressing the protest was not to be violent or passive resistance but an active non-violent resistance to evil. The role of King in the boycott was extremely important in keeping the unanimity of the black community, this was the fundamental factor if the blacks were going to win the boycott and challenge the segregation laws. Thus, King was the most significant result of the Montgomery bus boycott. The Montgomery bus boycott also emphasised the importance and the potential of the black economic power. Black shoppers were unable to go downtown without travelling on public buses so businesses owned by the whites lost in excess of one million dollars. This was a turning point for many white business men and resulted in them working against the segregation ordinance. If violent protest was used, which a large proportion of the population wanted, then victories such as this would not have occurred. Therefore Kings strength of leadership and his use of non-violent protest justifies that he was the most significant result of the boycott. The boycott highlighted the significance of organisations such as the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People) and the MIA (Montgomery Improvement Association). It showed the continuing effectiveness of these organisations strategies of going through the law courts to pursue equal rights for Black Americans. These particular associations challenged the bus segregation laws by taking them to the district court where they were proved unconstitutional (Browder V. Gayle). Although the district court declared the segregation laws unconstitutional, there was little change in the situation (De jure change) until the supreme court backed the ruling in December 1956. Therefore, the organisations working for the rights of blacks and the Browder V. Gayle Supreme Court ruling were also an extremely significant result of the boycott. In summary, although Martin Luther King had a major impact due to his inspirational leadership and motivational skills, other key factors, such as the ones mentioned above also played n important part and must have recognition. Other individuals involved in the boycott were also important such as Jo Ann Robinson, who decided to challenge the Brown V. Board of Education case by distributing propaganda leaflets to get support from the black population. Rosa Parks also played a big role in the protest; after all she initiated the protests which lead to the boycott which subsequently lead to the bus segregation laws being declared unconstitutional. This proves that although King was arguably the most significant result of the boycott, other individuals also played an important role. The success of the boycott inspired others like Melba Pattillo who volunteered as a guinea pig for the NAACP and church leaders during the Little Rock crisis in 1957. Pattillo volunteered to transfer to the all white high school with eight other black students where they were faced daily harassment from white students. Due to the courage and determination of Melba Pattillo and the other eight black students it proved that the Brown V. Board of Education (whereby it was declared that separate schools were unequal) was a De Jure change as it faced wide spread resistance from the white Americans. This forced President Eisenhower and the authorities to intervene as the constitution seemed threatened. This resulted in Cooper V. Aaron ruling which confirmed that keeping public schools segregated was unconstitutional. Individuals such as Pattillo were therefore a significant result of the boycott and although it brought King to the forefront of the movement there were other significant resu lts which arose from the success of the boycott. The SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) set up by King in 1957 aimed to improve the black situation in the South which had specific problems. The SCLC was set up to work alongside the NAACP but provide an alternative (direct non violent action) to the NAACPs litigation strategy. The SCLC attracted national attention to racial inequality an example of this is the march in Washington in support of Eisenhowers civil rights bill in May 1957. Therefore Martin Luther King was the most significant result of the Montgomery bus boycott as he also made a positive impact on the situation for black Americans in the South. In conclusion, I agree that Marin Luther King was the most important result of the Montgomery boycott. Kings leadership and motivation inspired the black community to unite and work as one to overcome the bus segregation laws in an active but non-violent resistance to evil. The boycott saw the rise of King as a civil rights leader and as a spokesman of the modern civil rights movement. However, there were other very significant results of the boycott such as the Browder V. Gayle Supreme Court ruling that proved that the bus segregation ordinance was unconstitutional. Other significant results of the boycott were that it challenged and invalidated many of the Jim Crow laws and that it inspired many other successful boycotts in Southern States. As a result, I believe there were many significant results of the boycott however; I feel I must agree that Martin Luther King was the most significant.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Employee development (ED) Essay
â€Å"The purpose of ED can be defined as developing human potential to assist organizations and individuals to achieve their objectives†. (Redman &Wilkinson, 2001 p.129). Since the impact of the globalization, the new positioning and competitive competences of the company will bring the HR department new challenges of finding effective career paths for their global employees. â€Å"A study conducted by the Global Leadership Institute shows a positive relationship between the level of employee internationalization and the organization’s Return on Assets.†(Black et al, 1999, p1). That’s why according to Black â€Å"an international assignment is the single most powerful experience in shaping the perspective and capabilities of effective global leaders†¦A global assignment play important roles in succession planning and leadership development; in coordination and control; and in technology, innovation, and information exchange and dissemination.†â€Å"According to a survey by the National Foreign Trade Council, the number of Americans working overseas, jumped 30% in 1995. Of the 74 companies the NFTC polled, 71% said they expect this growth to continue.†(Hayes et al, 1996) â€Å"However, somewhere between 25and 40 per cent of foreign assignments fail in US transnationals.†(Stonehouse et al, 2000,p.210). In fact, 20% to 48% of expatriates leave their companies within the first year of returning from an international assignment In a Business Horizons survey of 135 repatriated employees, only 39% felt their firm used their newly acquired skills; a meager 29% claimed that the assignments helped their careers. (Hayes et al, 1996). Such a failure is partly due to the mismatch between the organizational goals and personal goals, which is the main purpose of ED. Other reasons are: * Lack of training, this includes language and cross culture training. A recent survey conducted by Runzheimer International, found that only 42% of the 54 multinational companies polled had any formal training program for acculturating expatriates with their host country. (Hayes et al, 1996). * Family-related problems are perhaps the most important cause of failure amongst expatriates (Harvey, 1985). Such family problems include relating to the adaptation of both spouse and children to a new cultural and social environment. (Stonehouse et al, 2000,p.210) * Inadequate compensation (Stonehouse et al, 2000,p.210) * Feeling of loss of status resulting from working at the periphery. (Stonehouse et al, 2000,p.210) * Expatriates are often staying within the circle of the emigrant community, (Hayes et al, 1996) which reduces the chances to communicate with local culture and create a barrier between local people and them. * With international assignments becoming more commonplace, few companies are implying that there is any career advancement on the horizon for taking one†¦Many of the who have been on overseas assignments come back and move right back where they were (Hayes et al, 1996) Thus, make the employees think that their career path is stopped or blurred. In order to provide the employees a smooth international career development path, as well as to create an internationalized employees pool, organizations thus have to design a more systematic ED plan. This plan will include a clear definition of the international assignment, full training of the language and culture, effective expatriate policies, etc. For those MNCs with various employees come from different backgrounds, because of the culture impact, employees will have different views of career path. For example, in achievement-oriented corporation in western countries, young, promising managers are often sent on challenging assignment to faraway countries, whereas in ascribing cultures, older people, males, highly qualified persons are sent for those independent tasks or specific functions. (Trompenaars et al, 1998) Thus, organizations have to fully understand the career meaning to all of its employees and develop different career themes. References Stonehouse, G., Hamill, J., Campell, D., and Purdie,T., (2000) Global and transnational business: strategy and management, John Wiley&Sons, Ltd., UK Black, J.S., Gregersen, H., Mendenhall, M and Stroh,.L. (1999) ‘The Strategic Role of Global Assignment’, in Globalizing People Through International Assignments. London: Addison-Wesley. Pp. 1-31 Redman, T. and Wilkinson, A., (2001) Contemporary Human Resource Management, Prentice Hall Cassandra, H. (1996) â€Å"The intrigue of international assignments †in Black Enterprise, 26(10), pg. 98, NY Harvey, M.C. (1985) the executive family: an overlooked variable in international assignments, Columbia journal of world business, Spring. Tromenaars, F. and Turner, C.H (1998) Riding the waves of culture: understanding cultural diversity in business, Nicholas Brealey Publishing Ltd.,London
Friday, January 10, 2020
Economic Issues Simulation Paper
As a representative of Castor Insurance, the job is to maximize profit and minimize risk for the company. Healthcare is a high in demand good that the consumers of any job wants and needs to have. So it is very important to chose the right kind of healthcare for your employees. The two companeys in question Constructit and E-editors need to choose a well balanced health insurance plan that will work for there group of people. I am Jamie Ruth, I am the Vice President, Strategy and Financial Planning at Castor Collins. My duties include pricing plans and setting insurance premiums for our potential clients. Castor Collins was approached by two companies looking for employer insurance and both companies have a set rate their employees are able to pay for premiums since both groups will have to pay for his or her own insurance. The first company is Constructit that consist of 1,000 people and E-Editors that consist of 1,600 people. It is up to my team to come up with a plan the meets Constructit $4,000 max on premium and E-editors max of $4,500 premium. Our task is to keep revenue maximized and risk to a minimum by choosing one of our three plans, which are Castor Standard, Castor Enhanced and our customized plan called Castor Enhanced Minor to suit Constructit the company I have chosen. Demographics of Constructit Constructit consist of 550 men between the ages of 26 to 45 and 450 women between the ages of 26 to 42. At Constructit 32% of the workforce’s duties involve excessive physical activities. This can cause some health risk with these employees. Whereas 25% of the workforce’s duties involve modest physical activities and the remaining 43% of the workforce’s duties involve inactive activities. With the modest activity there is always a chance an injury could happen. The inactive employees mainly desk employee are not immune from injury either. Married employees consist of 60% of the workforce. The employees at Constructit are not all in perfect health. Out of 1000 employees 170 men and 210 women 38% of the workforce has no major health problems. With almost 10% of the workforce 55 men and 36 that are smokers. The majority of the workforce misses work due to injuries, respiratory system diseases, digestive disorders, migraine, and allergic conditions. Health Concerns In our investigation of the health demographics in Constructit we discovered the following health concerns. Almost half of the employees are obese, 198 men and 192 women which adds up to 39% of the workforce which in itself is a major concern. Obesity can cause High Cholesterol the second highest medical condition within this group meaning 19%, 101 men and 95 women. As well as high blood pressure is another cause of health concern with 88 men and 105 women, 19% of the workforce. We also discovered many suffer from an allergy which affects 92 men and 85 women 17% overall. Many of the employees suffer from migraines 16%, 75 men and 93 women. Although only 13% of the employees 78 men and 57 women Respiratory Diseases is still a cause of concern. The Last medical condition we discover was digestive disorders at 8% 52 men and 32 women. Now our task was to develop a plan and stay within our $4000 premium limit. Plans Here at Castor Collins we have two plans that could possibly fit the needs of Constructit. One is Castor Standard which does not cover preexisting medical conditions and the other is Castor Enhanced which does cover preexisting medical conditions. Helen one of my team members suggests we offer Constructit Castor Enhanced and eliminates a few services that have high utilization. Adam says or we could choose not to insure either group if our risk outweighs the profits. In our evaluation the risk, anticipated cost, and cost-effectiveness are different for both plans. We did not choose Castor Standard because for one it did not cover preexisting condition. The premium is within payment range enrollees can pay and our profits would be higher. The cost associated with Castor Collins providing services to Constructit does not include any copayment the enrollee has to pay. For example for inpatient hospital services for Standard the enrollee pays $114 where in Enhance they pay $144. For emergency physician or hospital care Standard is $310 where Enhances is $388. For outpatient services like physician visits the in Standard the enrollee would pay $56 and in the Enhanced he or she would pay $70. If the enrollee was to need outpatient surgery for standard he or she would pay $305 where with enhanced the cost is $381. Here is the expected utilization of services when Castor Standard or Castor Enhanced is provided to Constructit. On average utilization of the services in the population of color scheme are for the age group of 26 through 45. Inpatient hospital services are 3% for standard and 4% for enhanced with the annual average is 6% for standard and 8% for enhanced with the surgical benefits the same. For emergences the expected utilization is 6% and the annual average is the same for standard whereas for enhanced the expected utilization is still 6% however the annual average is 8% for inpatient services. In standard most of the expected utilization is anywhere from 3% to 10% whereas the annual average is 6% for standard. Outpatient services the expected utilization is anywhere from 3% to 10% and the average annually is 6%. For enhanced the expected utilization norm is 4 to 9% and with enhanced the norm is 6% for standard and enhanced is anywhere from 4 to 12%. Plan Choice For Constructit we decided to go with Castor Enhanced so we could modify it so we were able to stay within the $4000 premium prices range. Even though the copay to the enrollee is higher the benefits are revenue for us is higher. We were able to keep the premium below $4,000; the premium is $3,943 making our profit a $3. 94 million and only eliminated obesity treatment. To keep cost and risk low we decided not to include Obesity treatment. To include this service the premium would have exceeded what the enrollees would be able to pay. All other services are intact. Castor Collins earning is high and is adequate to cover the risk insuring Constructit. Services such as substances abuse treatment the expected utilization is low. Even with Castor Enhanced Minor covering preexisting medical conditions, the risk are low and the earnings could be high. Copays for services such as preventative services, diagnostic services, and chiropractic care are at 8% rate. Conclusion Our task was to evaluate the company’s demographics and develop an adequate health care plan that suits Constructit. With Castor Enhanced the premiums are below $4,000 which them enrollee can pay and still have comparable health coverage that cover preexisting medical conditions. Utilization annual average is mostly 8%. Copays are higher but the benefits are higher as well. This was a difficult task but I believe we did what was expected of us in supplying health coverage for Constructit.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Essay about The Problem of Police Corruption - 1190 Words
Police corruption is legally, morally, and ethically wrong. The art of corruption has existed from the beginning of policing to the present day. Investigations have uncovered several acts of dishonesty and crime ranging from petty theft to murder. To help combat corruption the government creates commissions such as the Knapp and Wickersham Commission to investigate allegations of corruption. If acts of corruption are found and substantiated the commission takes criminal action against the law enforcement officer. As allegations persist, one may ask: 1. What is Police Corruption? 2. What is the Corruption Continuum? 3. Is there a Code of Silence? 4. What is done to help prevent corruption? 5. What are†¦show more content†¦There are two general forms of corruption: external and internal. External corruption occurs when an outside agency or person pays an officer to overlook or perform illegal acts themselves. The Mafia is probably the best known organized crime faction. Investigations have shown the Mafia paid officers, politicians, judges, and numerous other agencies to elude conviction. Internal corruption happens when an officers acts on his or her own accord to commit crimes or illegal acts themselves. A classic example of corruption involves the bribery of an officer in order to secure the exemption from punishment. There is a broad range of corruption ranging from petty brides to organized crime paying millions of dollars to protect their gambling, prostitution, and drug networks. William Ernest and Richard Ford are prime examples of internal corruption. These officers were willing to go out and seek illegal activities and served as hired assassins in Los Angeles (Newton, 2007). What is the Corruption Continuum? The Corruption Continuum is used to illustrate the transition from good cop to bad cop. Once an officer makes the decision to accept gratuities and or gifts it puts them on the â€Å"slippery slope†of corruption. 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