Thursday, January 2, 2020
Essay about The Problem of Police Corruption - 1190 Words
Police corruption is legally, morally, and ethically wrong. The art of corruption has existed from the beginning of policing to the present day. Investigations have uncovered several acts of dishonesty and crime ranging from petty theft to murder. To help combat corruption the government creates commissions such as the Knapp and Wickersham Commission to investigate allegations of corruption. If acts of corruption are found and substantiated the commission takes criminal action against the law enforcement officer. As allegations persist, one may ask: 1. What is Police Corruption? 2. What is the Corruption Continuum? 3. Is there a Code of Silence? 4. What is done to help prevent corruption? 5. What are†¦show more content†¦There are two general forms of corruption: external and internal. External corruption occurs when an outside agency or person pays an officer to overlook or perform illegal acts themselves. The Mafia is probably the best known organized crime faction. Investigations have shown the Mafia paid officers, politicians, judges, and numerous other agencies to elude conviction. Internal corruption happens when an officers acts on his or her own accord to commit crimes or illegal acts themselves. A classic example of corruption involves the bribery of an officer in order to secure the exemption from punishment. There is a broad range of corruption ranging from petty brides to organized crime paying millions of dollars to protect their gambling, prostitution, and drug networks. William Ernest and Richard Ford are prime examples of internal corruption. These officers were willing to go out and seek illegal activities and served as hired assassins in Los Angeles (Newton, 2007). What is the Corruption Continuum? The Corruption Continuum is used to illustrate the transition from good cop to bad cop. Once an officer makes the decision to accept gratuities and or gifts it puts them on the â€Å"slippery slope†of corruption. If an officer chooses to compromise his or her integrity, it is near impossible for the officer to regain their honor. Many scholars and practitioners becomeShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Problem of Police Corruption951 Words  | 4 Pagespolitical machine, corruption has become second nature to these â€Å"public servants†. From rigging elections to accepting ‘dirty’ donations to the alderman’s campaigns, corruption can be found from the very top of the political layer, down to the lowest government position. Those involved in the corruption have benefited greatly from their dirty deeds. Public residents aren’t directly aware of this corruption since they aren’t public officials, but most can attest to corruption when it involves theRead MorePolice Corruption Has Become A Major Problem1473 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout history, police corruption has become a major problem in the United States. 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